【Media Interviews】Taiwan Good News Interview: “Lee Bo-Chang: Reduce Health Insurance Resource Waste to Care for More Medical Needs”
In the interview, Lee Bo-Chang expressed that Taiwan’s National Health Insurance, established 27 years ago, has garnered attention worldwide and is a source of pride for the Taiwanese people. However, with the diversification of medical services, while the public enjoys the benefits of the health insurance, it has also led to the wastage of many health insurance resources. As a result, Taiwan’s health insurance system is facing challenges in the realm of social insurance and welfare.
Lee Bo-Chang, being a surgeon, emphasized the importance of precise decision-making in medical treatment. He believes that the management of Taiwan’s health insurance should be based on the concept of value-based healthcare, which means that medical professionals should receive reasonable compensation, and health insurance resources should be utilized for necessary medical interventions.
The original article is published in “Taiwan Good News.”《李伯璋:減少健保資源浪費 才能照顧更多醫療需求者》